Our Nutrition Philosophy

We believe food is most nutritious eaten in season and brings us together when cooked at home.

Eat whole foods.

The closer to a food’s natural form, the higher the nutrient value.

Eat with the season and the region.

When produce is harvested during peak season, taste and nutrient value are at their height. Choosing organic supports environmental health.

Veggies, veggies and more veggies.

Eating a colorful variety of vegetables multiple times a day is one of the simplest ways to enhance and maintain good health.

Healthy fats are your friends.

Nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, fatty fish and animals raised on traditional diets provide satiety, long-lasting fuel, help the body absorb important vitamins, and assist with hormone production and reducing inflammation.

Complex carbohydrates fuel your body.

Sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, beans and whole grains provide nutrients, fiber and energy to fuel your brain and muscles.

Lean proteins help keep you strong.

Proteins provide essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals that aid in muscle growth, repair and maintenance. Select proteins such as fish, lean meats, beans and legumes to meet your daily needs.

Mindful eating.

Listen to your body to know when it’s hungry and stop when it’s full. Aim to eat a snack or meal every 4 hours to keep your metabolism and energy levels consistent. Make time to enjoy a meal and consider where your food came from.

Cooking matters.

Making your own food is an opportunity to pay closer attention to what you’re eating, manage your portions and save your budget. Plus, homemade meals bring people together.

Get moving.

Opt for the stairs. Take a walk. Or, ride your bike. Daily movement helps regulate blood sugar, decrease disease risk and enhance mood.

Every food has a time and place —
occasional indulgence included.

Your Portions.
Your Plate.

Here’s a simple way to think about eating a well-balanced diet. Use your hand as a guide for portions of your meal.

Your health is in your hands!

Plate Basics

Loading up your plate with the right balance of colorful veggies, satisfying fats, complex carbohydrates, and lean proteins is a simple way to feel your best.


Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals to keep you going strong. Make vegetables your largest food group serving at most meals. Increase nutrient intake by consuming a variety of colorful vegetables.

Fist Size Portions: 2 per meal / about ½ a plate



Similar to vegetables, fruit contains an abundance of nutrients that help enhance our health. Consuming ½ to 1 fist per day of fruit will help maximize your nutrient and fiber intake.

Fist Size Portion: ½-1 per day


Complex Carbohydrates

Focus on nutrient dense, fiber-rich carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, whole grain breads, and beans (also used as a protein source when consuming meatless meals). These provide energy to your brain and muscles throughout the day.

Fist Size Portion: 1 with most meals / about ¼ of a plate



Many foods contain protein, including lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. If you consume meat most days, work toward designating 1-2 days for only consuming plant-based protein options.

Palm Size Portion: 1 with most meals / about 1/6 of a plate (a little more if plant-based)


Dairy/Dairy Substitutes

Dairy, fortified dairy substitutes, and certain plant foods supply a good source of calcium to help build and maintain strong bones. Dairy sources such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir supply moderate protein, while dairy subs are typically low in protein. Some dairy products, like cheese, can also provide fat.

8 oz serving of milk or yogurt or 1 oz of cheese per day and/or plant sources such as collards, mustard and turnip greens, kale, bok choy, and fortified plant based milks.


Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are essential and should not be overlooked. They provide satiety, long lasting fuel, help the body absorb important vitamins, and assist with hormone production and reducing inflammation.

2-4 OK sign portions of nuts and/or oil per day


Nutrient Boosters

Fermented foods support digestion and immune function. Sources include yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, and kimchi.

Herbs and spices enhance flavor, contain antioxidants, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Experiment with turmeric, ginger, garlic, and rosemary, to name a few.